Miss. Diva
Miss. Diva is a celebrated professional dancer and singer. She has been middle and High school dance instructor for Limai for over years now.
After getting her Zumba-Dance fitness certification Miss. Diva has been training pupils of ages and groups dance and fitness in China for over ten years now. Her vast experiences have brought fame and quality to dance learning classes at Li Mai.
Miss. Diva has taken part in and worked alongside the Moral department for several dance shows and performances. She has done several shows and performances for Li Mai. Miss. Diva has also trained Li Mai leadership and teachers at multiple occasions.
Diva 老師是一位優秀的專業舞者和歌者。她已在力邁初高中教授舞蹈多年。
拿到尊巴舞健身教練認證至今,Diva 老師在中國任教舞蹈和健身已超十年,學生不限年齡不限職業。她豐富的經驗為力邁舞蹈教學帶來了聲譽和質量保證。
Diva 老師曾參與并與德育處合作過多次舞蹈表演。她為力邁做過多場演出。Diva 老師還多次培訓力邁的領導和老師。